The #LessEffortMoreImpact Movement for Women in Business (LEMI)
The #LessEffortMoreImpact Movement for Women in Business (LEMI) is an uplifting community for growth-minded women in Japan and beyond to do brilliant work without sacrificing our personal lives.
Our events and resources focus on
CONNECTION - Members enjoy connecting across industries and nationalities, sharing fresh perspectives and possibilities for professional women.
CARE - With selfcare as a success strategy, we explore and embrace practical ways to enjoy less effort and more impact in our work and lives.
COURAGE - We inspire each other to develop the courage to step out of our comfort zones, so that we can stop depleting ourselves through physical, mental, and emotional overdoing.
Only then can we start enjoying our work and life to the fullest!
“Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.”
- Oprah Winfrey

What women in Japan say they love about LEMI
❤️ Perspective shifts - making work and life easier!
❤️ Practical and instant takeaways from various topics
❤️ From negative to positive thinking
❤️ Intercultural exchange (11 nationalities!)
❤️ Honne (not tatemae)
❤️ A safe space
❤️ True friends
❤️ No pressure to attend events - be there when you can
❤️ Comprehensive writeups and resources
One LEMIer said it was like A Confidence Vitamin!
- Akiko
- Mayumi
"Room full of positive, energetic, and inspiring people"
- Aya Jean
- Emi
- Yuki
- Yumiko
"Get some great inspiration and ideas"
- Sarah
- Fumiko
"Helen's events create a space for like-minded women to connect, share stories, and inspire one another, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved!"
- Emi
「LEMI では、様々なバックグラウンドの女性達と繋がりを作れることに期待します。共通点は英語、海外に興味があること、働く女性であることでしょう。ヘレンさんのもとで、素敵なコミュニティの誕生に立ち会えることを楽しみにしています。」
- Yumiko
"I'm thrilled to be part of this amazing event, unlike anything you'll find elsewhere. Connect, engage in honest conversations, and discover endless inspiration. We know Helen is the visionary who can turn this dream into a reality."
- Miyako
"I’m passionate about realizing digital and sustainability transformation in large-scale companies. I’m interested in discussing with other women at the event creative and practical ways to bring change to society – especially by leveraging technology, re-engineering operations, and reshaping organizations. Less Effort More Impact!"
- Mari
- Fumiko T
“So happy to meet fabulous professional women who can be or are the fantastic role models for less effort and more impact, so much needed concept for women in Japan."
- Fumiko Y
Which language is used?
Our activities and communication are primarily in English - but since many members are Japanese, of course it's no problem to chat in Japanese too.
Who are the Members?
Our members are growth-minded corporate women and female entrepreneurs who want to connect and explore practical ways to enjoy less effort and more impact in their work and lives!

⭐️ Uplifting events - insightful workshops, presentations, and gatherings - usually the 3rd Saturday of each month (including LEMIer-only events and 3 complimentary online per year) where you can connect with inspiring women, discover new perspectives, and build your skills and confidence in a safe, friendly, and fun English-speaking environment
📰 Exclusive Newsletter - with event highlights, practical tips and resources, heart-warming LEMier shares, and exclusive LEMI resources and offers to support your professional growth as well as your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing
📁 LEMIer directory - so that it’s easy to contact, collaborate with, and support other fabulous LEMIers
💻 Online library - your resources all in one place for easy access at any time
💖 Private Linkedin Group - if you’re a Linkedin user, pop into this group from time to time to share your wins, ask questions, and deepen your connection with other LEMIers
What is the annual membership fee?
The LEMI annual fee is currently just 22,000 yen (including tax) per year.
How do I become a Member?
To maintain the vitality of LEMI and meet LEMIer expectations to be a part of an uplifting and growth-minded group, we have a simple 3-step application process.
- Click the link below and make your secure online payment
- Select a time from my online calendar for your 1:1 application call with LEMI founder, Helen Iwata
- Answer the 5 short application questions
Sound good?

Upcoming LEMI events
We’re working hard to get your events for 2025 out soon! Watch this space! 👀
Maya Angelou said
“Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.”
We're ready to see you smile. Are you? 💃
Questions? Contact Team Sasuga! here.